Thursday, February 17, 2011

Waffling on Sex

We have recently come to realize that when we were told "it's easy to say you don't want to know the sex when you can't possible know, but once you CAN find out it's a lot tougher" that it may qualify for one of the biggest understatements during pregnancy. 

We have another Ultrasound next week and it will be the first time we can find out if our baby is a boy or girl.  Erin is a lot less conflicted about this than I am, she wants to know.  On the other hand I'm having a huge argument in my head about what I think will be best.  The logical part of me (which usually wins) wants to know so that we can plan appropriately.  While my emotional side really wants to experience that surprise and joy of being told as we are welcoming him/her into the world (and also part of me wants to stop having to type things like "him/her").

All of our parents like the idea of not know, and some are more staunchly opposed to finding out than others, and I've asked some friends and there seems to be good arguments for both sides, but when it comes down to it we have to decide based on what we want.  So come back next week to see which side won!

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