Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wait, kids get up at what time?

One thing that neither I nor my wife have ever been any good at is getting up early, especially on the weekends. While my wife would argue that she is indeed awake early it doesn't count as being "up" in my book if you are watching TV in bed.  However this currently lackadaisical attitude is going to have to change whether we like it or not.

Apparently kids like to wake up really early!  Not sure who is telling them it's a good idea (and if I find out who it is there will be retribution) but such is the way of the world.   In order to make this a little bit less of a dramatic change in our normal timetables I think Erin and I are going to have to start getting up earlier on the weekends on our own so that when the baby arrives we will be seasoned pros at watching the sunrise through bloodshot eyes.

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